Are you struggling to gain financial stability? Do you need assistance in managing your expenses and budgeting? Look no further than the Loan and Financial Education Program at Catholic Charities! Our dedicated team is here to help you every step of the way.

Take Francie’s inspiring story, for example. As a single mother of a 3-year-old daughter, Francie recently faced the challenge of purchasing her first car. With almost no credit history, she found herself in need of guidance. Fortunately, a family friend referred her to the Loan and Financial Education Program at Catholic Charities.

Diane Barston, our experienced program manager, helped Francie with a plan and process. Together, they analyzed Francie’s spending habits and identified areas where she could save money. Through their teamwork and dedication, Francie was able to qualify for a loan and purchase the car she had been dreaming of.

Beyond acquiring a vehicle, Francie gained a newfound sense of financial confidence. She learned valuable budgeting skills that empowered her to care for her family independently. With a clear path to achieve her financial goals, Francie is now equipped to take control of her future.

At Catholic Charities, we believe that everyone deserves an opportunity to improve their financial well-being. That’s why Diane and her team are committed to working with individuals, regardless of their credit history. We provide personalized, one-on-one financial education that helps you manage your budget, build credit, and, hopefully, afford the car you’ve been longing for.

Our loans are not limited to car purchases alone. They can also be used to cover home repair costs, day care expenses, professional development or job training, immigration fees, and other unexpected financial burdens. We strive to address the diverse needs of our community.

Ready to take the first step toward financial freedom? Contact Diane at or give her a call at 203-767-4854. You can also visit to learn more about the Loan and Financial Education Program at Catholic Charities.